We went up to the Thousand Islands for a couple of nights with Paul's parents and sister Katie. That area is so beautiful and we had some beautiful weather while we were there too. After we got checked into our hotel, we walked around Alex Bay. While we were walking out on the dock, guess who we bumped into - Santa and Mrs. Claus. What a treat. They were on their summer vacation from the North Pole.

After chatting with the Claus' for a bit, we headed over to a little park. Here's a picture of the kids with Bolt Castle in the background. And then there are some pictures of them at the playground.

After dinner at the Koffee Kove (it's just not a visit to the Thousand Islands without at least one meal there - we love it), we headed over to the gocarts. We all loved that!

After the gocarts, we got some ice cream and there were these little seats with wheels that the kids could ride around on. They looked like a toy from long ago and the kids had so much fun zooming around on those. To get going, you had to twist the handle bars back and forth, which was a little tough for Joey at first, but he got the hang of it pretty quick.

We ended the night with fireworks over the castle. I was so excited to see that there fireworks were taking place while we were there since we missed them on the 4th here. Plus, the setting was just beautiful. Joey wanted no part of the fireworks, so Paul and his dad stayed back at the hotel with him.

The next day, we rented a boat for the day. It was another beautiful sunny day and we had fun riding up and down the river. The kids, Aunt Katie, daddy and grandpa even did some fishing.