Well, this was our first full week back to school and work. I'm always a little sad when breaks are over, but it is nice to get back to our usual routine. The girls were very excited to get back to school and see their friends. This is them bright and early Monday morning on their way out to the bus.

We're still having fun playing with our Wii. Alli plays it so much more than I would have thought - and she's really good. She kicked my butt in golf (the game actually told me to give up since I was doing so bad - can you believe it). She also loves the Wii fit. I don't know how well you can see it in the picture, but my mii is actually asleep - I guess I don't play enough - ha ha!

Grandma & Grandpa Soups had given Joey this stacking doll (I don't know the right name for it) and he has had so much fun with it. He calls the smallest doll, the baby and he'll take it apart and ask whoever will listen, "Do you think this is the baby?"......"No"........"Do you think this is the baby?" And this will continue on until you get to the smallest. Then he'll stack them back up again. He loves it.

Alli is really becoming quite the little reader. She's able to read so many more words on her own now. Every few weeks she brings home a new book that she's completed in school to read to us. This was a book she brought home from school this week.

Friday night we went ice skating in Manhattan Square Park. It was fun. We tried putting Joey in skates and he loved walking around in the little waiting room in his skates, but freaked when we tried putting him on the ice. So, Paul and I just took turns sitting with him while the other one skated with the girls. Em did a great job skating on her own. Alli, started off needing a lot of support, but by the end was skating all on her own.

On Saturday, I registered Joey for preschool for next fall. I can't believe it - I feel like he was just a newborn and now we're registering him for school - Yikes! I took him with me to the open house and he really had fun playing with the other kids and all the toys. But, when I asked him on the way home if he liked his new school, he said "No". He's too much.
Then in the afternoon, for my grandma's Christmas present, the girls and I took her to a movie (and we were supposed to go to dinner, but that was postponed because of a snow storm). We went to see Marly & Me. It was a really cute movie. I could relate to so much of it with having our own yellow lab, Molly. Molly was never nearly as bad as Marly, but there were definite similarities.

Today the girls and I went to our cousin's Leslie's baby shower. It was a fun shower and we can't wait for the arrival of little baby Carson. Here's a picture of the excited mom & dad to be.