Anyway, in order to try and start blogging again, I thought I'd do a month (and a half) in review and then try and post more often.
Since my last post on Easter.....
We became Godparents for our nephew Aidan. Kristen & Ryan had asked us both and we felt so honored - it's so nice that we're able to share this. I had gotten the flu days before the baptism (sicker than I have been in YEARS). I was so nervous that I wouldn't be able to be there, but thanks to the wonders of theraflu, I was able to make it. That really worked wonders on me. Here's a picture of sweet baby Aidan, my sis and brother in law and Paul and I...
We went on our annual trip to Myrtle Beach with my family for April break. The weather was sunny, but not so warm the beginning part of the week. Thankfully, it warmed up by midweek and we were able to get a couple of good beach days in. We always have fun though no matter what the weather. The guys and Donna played lots of poker and Erin brought a new game for the girls - Apples to Apples. Highlights from the week include, making homemade ice cream, mini golf, Broadway at the Beach, and the beach (of course).
I turned 35 - as my Aunt Maureen likes to remind me, I'm now 1/2 way to 70 - Yikes!! Time is flying by way to quickly! Didn't I just turn 30??? Since we had a busy day on my actual birthday with both of us working and brownies in the evening, we celebrated the night before by going to my favorite restaurant, the Plum Garden. The food there is so delicious. The girls seemed to like the chef cooking right in front of us, but Joey HATED his firey tricks - like the volcano, etc. I can't say that I blame him.

On April 26th, we went to the annual sheep shearing festival at Springdale Farms. I've been wanting to take the kids to this for years (for me as well as them) and we were finally able to go this year. We met up with my friend Kelly and her kids and walked around the grounds - it's such a nice farm. The girls got their faces/hands painted - Emily had a flower painted all across her face - it was really cool. It was amazing to see how fast they shear the sheep and how still they sit for it. It was actually about 80 degrees here that day, so they were probably happy to have all that fur/wool off of them.

Paul built this awesome rock landscape wall at the entrance to our pool and also expanded our patio some. He also built some stairs for the pool. He did a great job and did it so fast!! It really looks amazing. We also got the pool opened for the season and can't wait to get some warm weather so we can actually go swimming.

Alli's preschool class did a little play for the moms in honor of Mother's Day. Her teacher read "The Mommy" book and the kids took turns acting out each page. Below is a picture of Alli and her friend Lauren for the page - some mommy's like to dress up. Her teacher, Mrs. Dewey is in the background.

Afterwards, they had tables set up with cookies and lemonade for us - it was so sweet. They also had put together a recipe book for us - always love new recipes to try.

In May, Emily began playing softball with Paul as one of her coaches. Her friend Elizabeth from our old neighborhood is on the same team and her dad Mike is a coach too. Emily seems to really enjoy it so far. She's on the Grizzlies. They do an hour of drills/teaching and then play a 3 inning game.

I had such a nice Mother's Day. We went to brunch at this really cute place (Patti's Pantry) with Paul's mom, dad & sister. The food was delicious! During the afternoon, Paul let me have a couple of hours to myself - so of course, I did some scrapbooking. After Joey's nap, we spent dinner with my parents - unfortunately, my sister was really sick for her 1st Mother's Day.

On April 26th, we went to the annual sheep shearing festival at Springdale Farms. I've been wanting to take the kids to this for years (for me as well as them) and we were finally able to go this year. We met up with my friend Kelly and her kids and walked around the grounds - it's such a nice farm. The girls got their faces/hands painted - Emily had a flower painted all across her face - it was really cool. It was amazing to see how fast they shear the sheep and how still they sit for it. It was actually about 80 degrees here that day, so they were probably happy to have all that fur/wool off of them.
Paul built this awesome rock landscape wall at the entrance to our pool and also expanded our patio some. He also built some stairs for the pool. He did a great job and did it so fast!! It really looks amazing. We also got the pool opened for the season and can't wait to get some warm weather so we can actually go swimming.
Alli's preschool class did a little play for the moms in honor of Mother's Day. Her teacher read "The Mommy" book and the kids took turns acting out each page. Below is a picture of Alli and her friend Lauren for the page - some mommy's like to dress up. Her teacher, Mrs. Dewey is in the background.
Afterwards, they had tables set up with cookies and lemonade for us - it was so sweet. They also had put together a recipe book for us - always love new recipes to try.
In May, Emily began playing softball with Paul as one of her coaches. Her friend Elizabeth from our old neighborhood is on the same team and her dad Mike is a coach too. Emily seems to really enjoy it so far. She's on the Grizzlies. They do an hour of drills/teaching and then play a 3 inning game.
I had such a nice Mother's Day. We went to brunch at this really cute place (Patti's Pantry) with Paul's mom, dad & sister. The food was delicious! During the afternoon, Paul let me have a couple of hours to myself - so of course, I did some scrapbooking. After Joey's nap, we spent dinner with my parents - unfortunately, my sister was really sick for her 1st Mother's Day.
Well, that brings us up to date. Hopefully I can stay on top of this more, but knowing me, I'm sure you'll be seeing more of these catch up posts in the future. :)
Loved your whole review! So stinkin cute! I can't believe you got such great photos of the kites at dusk?! Wow.
You have been very busy! Your family is beautiful and I will be back! Keep smiling!
Wow! Lots of good times going on during the last month huh?!
Myrtle Beach looks like it was gorgeous!
Oh wow, you had some fun, the photos are just fantastic
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