Saturday, February 7, 2009

We're Home

Friday was our last morning in Florida :(. We had to leave the resort at about 10am, so there really wasn't much time to do anything. We went for breakfast and then I took some pictures around our resort - I don't know if I mentioned it before, but we were at the Carribbean Beach resort.

Each of the sections had a little "beach" with these big hammocks. Here are the girls goofing around on one. I wish we'd had more time to hang out there - I LOVE swinging in a hammock - so relaxing!

Joey hadn't finished his bagel from breakfast and was walking around with the last piece and this duck and a seagull had their eyes on him hoping he'd drop it. They followed him everywhere, which, of course, freaked him out. Mean mommy here, had to snap a picture. I kept telling him to just eat the bagel and they would leave him alone, but he didn't listen.

This is just a pretty view from around our beach.

Then, it was time to head to the shuttle for the airport. Joey was such a good helper - I thought this picture was so cute. The suitcase is almost as big as him.

At the airport - that's our plane in the background. We found out that the Orlando airport doesn't sell ANY gum - who would have thought. I had 3 packs at the start of the trip, but because of Joey's obsession with gum, it was gone by the end of the week. I thought Oh, I'll just pick some up at the airport, but no such luck, so we got a big bag of starbursts instead - the kids needed something to chew on - their ears were popping alot during takeoff and landing.

Everyone but Alli was sad to go home - she was sad the trip was over, but once we left, she just wanted to get home. She said she had missed her friends.

The flight home was uneventful (thankgoodness). My mom was at the airport to pick us up. It was a great trip!

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