The hardest part (for Paul and I) was cutting out all of the guitar shapes from the cardboard. It wasn't too bad, but it took a couple of nights. It was so funny though - the day of the party, I got an Oriental Trading catalog in the mail and what do they show - guitar carboard cutouts for like $10 a dozen - Ugh! I have got to remember to check that website!!
The girls seemed to have fun decorating their guitars and afterwards, they went downstairs and blasted the music and pretended to be in a band and sing and dance. We had 11 girls at the party and I knew it would be loud and crazy, but I seriously underestimated how loud they could get. At one point, I thought they were going to shatter glass - I think next time Paul and I need to put in some earplugs lol. They had fun though, and that's what we wanted.
And here is my pride and joy of the party - I was so impressed with myself - Yes, I made it!! My regular old circle or rectangular cakes usually don't turn out that great, so I was shocked when I was done with this and it actually looked like a guitar. The magazine had great directions and it was really pretty simple. Oh boy, I hated to cut into it!!
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