Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So Proud!!

So, back in August, about a week or so before school started, our district had a bus safety program for all the kids going into kindergarten. When we were there, they mentioned that they were having a coloring contest and that there would be a winner from each school. So, the next day, Alli worked on coloring the picture and we mailed it back to the transportation department.

The Friday of Labor Day weekend, we had a message that Alli had won the contest for her school and that there would be a special ceremony in the middle of September. Well, today was the big day! They had all the winners come down to the district office where they had all the winning artwork displayed. After taking pictures, they had juice and cookies for everyone. It was really sweet and we were so proud of our little Alli.
Here are a couple of the pictures I took.

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