Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Some fun over Break Week

Since Tyler and Gracie were visiting from Wisconsin, my mom wanted to take them to the Stong Museum. It was a great idea - it's just too bad that every other family with children in the Rochester area had this idea too!!!!!! I knew it was bad when I had to park SO far away.

We met up with my parents, Brian, T, Gracie, Josh, Ryan, Aidan, Erin, Sidney & Cam. Even though it was very crowded we still had a fun time. The hardest part was just trying to keep track of all the kids - especially Jo Jo - he decided it would be fun to constantly walk away from me - good thing I had my eye on him constantly.

The girls' all time favorite spot is the Wegmans store. They love shopping and cashing themselves out. Joey even got into on this visit too. We even got to meet Curious George!

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