Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Doing my Civic Duty

Yesterday I was summoned for jury duty. I had to report downtown bright and early at 8:15am. I spent most of the day, just sitting around reading my book - which was nice since I never get so much uninterrupted time to just read. My Uncle Glenn was also summoned the same day, so I had some company in the morning. He lucked out and got to go home at noon though. I, on the otherhand, was one of 50 selected to go to a courtroom in the afternoon. I was a little excited about - it was my first time actually seeing any part of the judicial process (other than what I've seen on tv).

It was interesting to see the inside of the courtoom and listen to the judge and attornies question the jurors. There were way too many breaks though with just more sitting/standing around. I didn't end up getting selected for the jury, which I'm happy about (Joey ended up getting sick the night before so I wasn't going to be able to have Leslie and my sister babysit him afterall - I didn't know what I was going to do).

Someday, I would love to be on a jury and see the whole process from start to finish. It's just so hard right now with the kids so young and me being home with them. I'm now off the hook for at least 6 years, so it should be a little easier the next time I get summoned.

Poor Jo-Jo is still sick with a fever. I hate it when my babies are sick.

1 comment:

LAURA said...

Just stopped by to catch up on you and your family. Not spending much time on the computer these days but I sure miss all my cyber friends! Sounds like you've been busy enjoying life and family - yay for you! :)