Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

What a great night for trick or treating - the weather was absolutely beautiful - especially after having snow earlier this week.

We carved our pumpkins this afternoon, since we didn't have a chance to do it all week. We usually will carve them at least the night before Halloween, but I swear we had something going on every night this week. The timing was actually perfect though - it gave the kids something to concentrate on while they waited to go trick or treating. Here are our masterpieces :)

Poor Alli was sick today - she even stayed home from school. She has this nasty cough and has been running a slight fever. We gave her some medicine so she could at least do a little trick or treating.
This year, Emily dressed up as a devil, Alli as a black cat and Joey as Elmo (the girls wanted this). They all looked so cute. I guess Joey had quite a bit of sugar even before trick or treating - that boy was on a sugar high and was just running around in circles whenever I tried to get his picture. It was actually pretty funny.

The kids made out pretty well with the candy. It was so cute, Em & Alli dumped it out and went through it when they got home - I totally remember doing that as a kid.
Hope everyone had a Happy & safe Halloween.


Leslie said...

They all look great! Hope Alli is feeling better!!

Helena said...

Ahh poor Alli, hope she feels better soon!!

Love the costumes they look too cute to be scary!


Margy said...

Oh my goodness! What cutie pies. I really love the Elmo costume, and the pumpkins look great!